Classroom Sessions
Regular Classes

The essence of Millennium Mams’ lies in the classes held by their mentors. A one year program is offered to the new batch for a year followed by a fortnightly classes held on Saturdays. Basics of Statement Analysis, Macro and Micro Economics are taught in the first year along with an in-depth reading practice of the Economic Times. The physical classes are held at International Management Institute, Kolkata however due to the current situation the classes have moved to the digital medium and all the classes are being conducted online seamlessly.

Saraswati Study Group

The Saraswati class is a small study group which undertakes in depth studies of the companies, conclaves, summits or AGMs that are to be attended by the members of Millennium Mams. Members are assigned different companies or sectors to analyze under the guidance of Mr. Dhanuka. These analysis sessions stand true to its name because as the Goddess Saraswati denotes knowledge, education and awareness, Mr. Dhanuka encourages the group to learn more and educate themselves on financial literacy, planning and awareness through these in-depth research studies which lead to knowledge growth in group sessions as each member shares their perspective on the summit or conclave or AGM in question.

Geeta Study Group

Classes on the teachings of the Bhagwat Geeta are conducted by Mr. Bishnu Dhanuka every fortnight. For each session a shloka from the Geeta is taken up and its meaning is discussed in intricate detail. Geeta guides us on the philosophy of life and it teaches us how to go on with our life. As Mr. Dhanuka relates it to real life instances, sharing examples which seem so real, the teachings of this holy book become more attainable. Through these classes one has realized that the Geeta has answers to all the questions. His hand-picked choice of shlokas are timed well to be most relevant with the latest happenings around the world.

Shivani Study Group

Mr. Dhanuka started this beautiful journey six years ago and introduced the Mams to the teachings of Sister Shivani, of the Brahma Kumaris. This class is structured around the simple tenets of achieving happiness through peace and stability and is conducted every fortnight. Life has become much simpler with her teachings, especially because Mr. Dhanuka has an extremely practical approach to life and has designed the class to be very interactive and insightful, yet enriching by posing relevant questions to Sister Shivani. This class has broadened the group’s perspectives, redefined their lives and given it a new meaning!


Wajood is the theatre wing of Millennium Mams’, a dream born nine years ago. Theatre is a collaborative art form that can draw people out of their comfort zone and give wings to their creativity in ways that are yet to be revealed for the theatre performer herself. It is an important medium of self-expression. Over the years the theatre group has worked with several established directors like Ramajit Kaur, Chaiti Ghoshal and Tathagatha Choudhury as the Mams have been able to explore their hidden talent by participating in the on-goings of this group and using their creativity beyond the realms of the financial world.

Invest in Yourself

Millennium Mams’ conducts a half-day workshop on the teachings of Warren Buffett. The idea is to educate the participants about the principles of long term value in investments propagated by the Oracle of Omaha. These classes are conducted by our mentor, Mr. Bishnu Dhanuka who brings a unique flavour to these well-known principles by interspersing them with practical spirituality that is extremely helpful in the world of investment. He shares his wisdom along the way and the knowledge imparted through these classes is all the more profound for all those in attendance.